Sunday, August 26, 2012


As a Latter Day Saint (Mormon), I am often called upon to make dinner or dessert for someone who is sick, as a welcome gift, or as a gift for those I visit with regularly.  Not to mention for parties, pot-lucks, and birthdays.

I have been on a journey this year to learn to eat better.  So I have searched to find ways to make really yummy things, with less sugar, sodium, fat and carbs.  Here's one of my favorites. To me, its SUPER yummy.

What you will need:
One graham cracker crust shell (you can buy a low fat version)
One box of fat free, sugar free JELL-O instant cream cheese pudding (white chocolate also tastes yummy)
2 cups reduced fat (not fat free) milk, cold
1 cup fat free cool whip
4 oz. reduced fat cream cheese, room temperature
Berries to top (or some chocolate to drizzle - sugar free carmel ice cream topping tastes yummy too but I really prefer berries - normally black, blue, and strawberries)

In a bowl, combine pudding mix and milk.  Beat with a hand mixer at a medium setting for 1 minute.  Add in the cool whip and the soft, cream cheese.  Beat on low until well mixed.  Then beat on high for 2 minutes. 

Pour mixture into the pie crust and place in the fridge for 30 minutes.  Remove and top with whatever berries you want, in whatever design that tickles your fancy.  The picture above was for July 4th.

This doesn't have the consistency of cheese cake - but it is thicker than pudding.  If you want it really thick you can also add some GELLATIN.  I also like to freeze this before cutting. MMMM

When you are over-weight, people just assume you eat poorly.  I was asked when my baby was due last week.  Talk about a self esteem buster. I have lost weight but after breaking my foot in May and being in a cam walker until the beginning of August - my efforts to loose more was put on hold.  I tried working out right away but my foot is still in pain and healing - its been a long wrong.  But I am getting back into my routine.  Can I just say - just because someone weighs more than you, does NOT mean you are healthier or that you eat better.  I am not a fitness guru, nope - (hehehe I giggled a bit at the thought of that....) 

I know that there are a lot of things I could do better - but supplementing something like this into your normal diet, is a good thing.  Something EVERYONE can do.  And no "diet" will ever work if you cut out everything yummy.  And trust me, this is really good - make sure you keep your portion size down.  If you make it... let me know what you think!  OH and yes, other pudding flavors are just as yummy!

If you ever find yourself in need of a cute, easy party favor.... look no further.   Chocolate covered pretzels!!!

If you need a girl's party favor... these are "wands".  If you need a boy's... these are light sabers.... If you need an adult... these are "gourmet pretzel rods". :)  Its all in the description!

What you need...
Chocolate melting wafers or almond bark (found in the baking section)
Sprinkles, chopped peanuts and/or colored cookie sugar
Pretzel rods

I purchased my rods in a big tub at SAMS club.  This is good because you can have some as snacks, you can make chocolate pretzel rods and you can smash some to bits to put into brownies (but that is a WHOLE different blog, hehehe).

I decorate (or used to) cakes so I have a set of Wilton food color pastes. This means I normally buy white chocolate and then color it the way I want.  However, AC Moore sells a great little combo bag of chocolates that has red, blue, yellow, green, and white in it. 

People melt chocolate a MILLION different ways.  I have never had success with the microwave (I always burn it - when it gets thick and/or looses it shine).

So I do it the way my mom used to do when we made painted chocolate candies for Easter.  You take a  small sauce pan (if you are just using one color) or a metal 9x13 cake pan if you are doing a lot.  Fill it with about 2" of water and heat until boiling.  Then shut off the heat.  While you wait for the water to boil....(because admit it, if you stand there and watch the water it WILL NOT boil)... get your chocolate ready.

I use a glass pint canning jar (yay me for reusing).  You could probably use a thick glass cup as well, or an old mayo jar (if they even use glass anymore).  Fill the DRY jar to the very top with chocolate. (Trust me here... fill it to the brim).

Wait about 5 min and stir with a spoon.  You will find your chocolate wafers or almond bark will melt to liquid as soon as you stir it.  Stir it smooth.  At this point if you are coloring it - do so now.  DO NOT USE liquid food color. It has to be the paste kind... liquid and chocolate do NOT mix.

Next, dip your rods 3/4 into the jar.  Then let your pretzels drip :)

Next over a large salad bowl, sprinkle your pretzel while turning with whatever kind of decoration you choose (if you choose any).  Then set on an UNGREASED piece of foil or on wax paper.  It will cool on its own.  I lined a cookie sheet and when I filled it - I threw it in the refrigerator for a speed the process.

You can also dip your pretzels then drizzle with white chocolate.  Just dip your spoon in the white chocolate and then in a quick sweeping motion go back and forth across the pretzels - leaving white streaks.

Ok wa-la.  You can package them- you can serve them on a platter... just don't eat too many of them or you will not be able to buckle your jeans.  Again, I am not saying that I know this from experience, eh-hum.

So simple... kids love them... parents secretly sneak them.. its a win win.  Plus, am I wrong, but they LOOK like they take forever.

Start to finish for all these was 20 mins. **shhh, its our secret**

Fun make yourself crayons

Are you like me?  I am always trying to think of neat stuff to do with my two girls.  I want them to think back on their childhood and say... My mom was present.  She did things with us.  She was there for us.  She didnt just clean, cook, or blog.  I want them to say... I remember when my mom did _____.

This near phobia of mine - to ensure my children have a good childhood - leads me down many paths.  Some are completely misguided. Some just miss the mark.  Others are tolerable.  And every once in awhile, I stumble upon greatness.

While I can not take credit for the idea... (thank you pinterest!) I found a gem of making our own crayons.  But it is not an unsupervised craft.  And nor is it for someone who doesnt want a little mess.  But with many stores running specials on crayons for back to school  this is a must do.  (I got a few boxes for .25 each - woot!)  GO ahead... do this... make a memory with your child/children today!  In 25 years, this is the stuff they will remember!

Ok so lets get to it already!  Here's the list of things you will need.

One silicone mold - we had a heart ice cube tray
One box of crayons
Craft scissors or a pairing knife
Cutting board if you use a knife
Imagination !

The first part seriously played into my girls inner desire to destroy things and to "pick" at things.  Remove the paper from all of the crayons.

Next part is for the adult. Cut the crayon into little bits. I learned that by cutting them smaller that they melt faster.  Now here is where the imagination kicks in.  I didnt want to just make normal colors.SO I had the girls create their own color combinations.  If you mix colors in the tray, they will melt and be they dont really "melt" into a new color.  You could try stirring them with a toothpick to make them actually combine into a new solid color (?) perhaps.

Once you have them all filled up (to the tippy top) then carefully place in a microwave.  We have a 1200 watt oven. I did it slowly so I wouldnt get a crayon explosion!  I heated them at 70% power for 30 seconds at a time.

I let the girls watch the crayons slowly melt and deform. Abby was not convinced after the 4th round that this would work.... ahhh little one of little Momma faith....

After about 3 minutes... we got this.

I would HIGHLY recommend NOT touching the mold or moving it for at least 15 minutes.  No need to discuss HOW I know this... just trust me.... Melted crayon feels like molten lava on your skin.

When the crayons are melted, they are shiny.  As they dry and re-harden, they become more matte looking, although they do keep their gleam a little.  I couldnt bring myself to destroy *Crayola* brand crayons (something in me just kept screaming it was wrong).  So we did the el-cheapo Rose Art crayons.

The finished product comes out of the mold very easy and is beautiful.  The mixed crayons make a rainbow effect.  You can buy shapes like leggo men, hearts, stars, fruit, and holiday ones. Make and enjoy.  These make great gifts for teachers, fellow students, friends for the holidays